GDPR, Terms & Conditions

Orved privacy policy


Pursuant to and for the purposes of the provisions of art. 13 of the 2016/679 European Regulation on the protection of personal data (‘GDPR’) and the national privacy legislation, we inform you that your personal data will be processed through electronic tools, manual tools and Social Networks, in Italy and abroad. This information, drawn up on the basis of the principle of transparency and of all the elements required by the GDPR, is divided into individual sections, each of which deals with a specific topic in order to make reading it faster, easier and easier to understand (hereinafter the ‘Information’).


The Data Controller (hereinafter ‘Data Controller’) is ORVED S.P.A. with headquarters in via dell’arteigianato, 30 30024 Musile di Piave (VE) – Italy

The data controller has not appointed a DPO pursuant to Article 38, however you have the possibility to contact the privacy office for all matters relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of the rights provided by the GDPR to the following data contact:

write to


The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is:

Contractual obligations and fulfilments;

Legal obligations;

Commercial consent and use of the service;


A) Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of managing the service and fulfilling legal obligations:

  • 1. Invoicing of amounts due and any additional services.
  • 2. Subscription and activation of the supply of the maintenance and assistance service and related services provided for in the supply and / or maintenance and / or assistance contract.
  • 3. Fulfillment of regulatory obligations including accounting, administrative and tax obligations.
  • 4. Assistance to the Service, in some cases also through the detection of the MAC address and / or IP address and / or other electronic identifiers.
  • 5. Management of any complaints and disputes.
  • 6. Fraud prevention and management of delays or missed payments. Protection and possible recovery of credit, directly or through third parties (agencies / credit recovery companies, law firms) to whom the data necessary for these purposes will be communicated.
  • 7. Credit transfer to authorized companies.
  • 8. Conservation and use of accounting data relating to the punctuality of payments for reward policies and to refuse future contractual relationships.
  • 9. Reporting and quality control.
  • 10. Commercial and / or technical communications: Communication and / or sending (by e-mail, sms, notifications, mail, telephone contact, etc.), also with automated methods, of commercial and / or technical information and material related to management of the contract and relating to the existing Service.
  • 11. Web management for access via Login to the personal area.

B) Furthermore, your personal data with your optional consent will be processed for the purposes of:

  • 1. Commercial Communications: communication and / or sending (by e-mail, text message, post, notifications, telephone contact, etc.), also with automated methods, of information and commercial offers, advertising and promotional material on own services and / or also of third parties.
  • 2. Event Communications: communication and / or sending (by e-mail, text message, mail, notifications, telephone contact, etc.), even with automated methods, of material relating to events, seminars, congresses, directly organized by us or from third party companies.

The provision of your data is necessary for the achievement of the purposes referred to in point A).

Your failure, partial or incorrect conferment could result in the impossibility of activating and providing the requested service or following up the purchase and / or maintenance and / or assistance contract. Furthermore, the provision of your data for the specific purposes referred to in point b) is optional, but any refusal will make it impossible for ORVED S.P.A. to process your request and contact you.

In any case and as better specified below, you can revoke your consent, even partially, for example by consenting only to event and non-commercial communications.


Your personal data will be processed exclusively by persons authorized to process and by persons designated as Data Processors in compliance with the GDPR in order to correctly carry out all the processing activities necessary to pursue the purposes referred to in this Notice. Your Personal Data may be disclosed to Public Bodies or to the Judicial Authority, where required by law or to prevent or suppress the commission of a crime and in any case to:

Who is the legitimate recipient of communications required by law or regulations (such as, for example, Offices and Public Authorities);

Who is the recipient of communications necessary in fulfillment of the obligations deriving from the Service and the signed contract;

Third-party companies specialized in information management;

Commercial and credit-related (such as, for example, call centers, data processing centers, banks, etc.);

Companies and / or collaborators for the management of administrative services that are used to fulfill their legal or contractual obligations;

Other subjects (businesses, companies, individuals) who collaborate with the data controller in the context of the services and supplies that the same offers.


With your free and optional consent, only the personal data necessary for the pursuit of the activity (including name, surname, address, e-mail, telephone, residence and / or domicile address, date and place of birth, tax code ) will be communicated by ORVED SPA to the following categories of third-party companies:

Companies active in the electronic commerce sector of products and services to businesses;

Companies operating in the Information Technology sector;

Web Agency and Social Network limited to services offered by us that involve the aforementioned subjects.

It is not envisaged that Personal data of minors under the age of 16 will be processed, without the prior authorization of the holder of parental responsibility.


The Data Controller has a legitimate interest in transferring personal data to the companies within the corporate structure for administrative, analytical and internal reporting purposes.



Your personal data will be kept for the period necessary to pursue the purposes related to point a) above. In particular, your Personal Data will be processed for a period of time equal to the minimum necessary, i.e. until the termination of the contractual relationship between you and the Data Controller, without prejudice to a further retention period that may be imposed by law.

Furthermore, if you decide to give your optional consent relating to the commercial purposes referred to in point b), your data will be kept, unless consent is revoked, for a period of time not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes.

The data relating to the spontaneous delivery of curricula will be kept for no more than two years from the date of receipt.

Your data will be kept for a further period in relation to the purposes of disputes and any disputes.


You have the right to revoke your consent given to the Data Controller at any time totally and / or partially without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

To withdraw your consent, you can contact the Data Controller at the addresses published in this statement.


Your Personal Data will be processed by the Data Controller within the territory of the European Union.

If for technical and / or operational reasons it becomes necessary to make use of subjects located outside the European Union, we inform you as of now that these subjects will be appointed as Data Processors pursuant to and for the purposes of the article 28 of the GDPR and the transfer of your Personal Data to these subjects, limited to the performance of specific processing activities, will be governed by a specific appointment contract in accordance with the guarantees and safeguards provided by the GDPR.

All necessary precautions will be taken in order to guarantee the total protection of your Personal Data, basing this transfer on the evaluation of appropriate guarantees including, by way of example, adequacy decisions of the recipient third countries expressed by the European Commission; adequate guarantees expressed by the third party recipient pursuant to article 46 of the GDPR. In any case, you can request more details from the Data Controller if your Personal Data have been processed outside the European Union by requesting evidence of the specific guarantees adopted.


We remind you that you can exercise your rights under the GDPR and in particular obtain:

confirmation that the processing of personal data concerning you is in progress and obtain access to the data and the following information (purposes of the processing, categories of personal data, recipients and / or categories of recipients to whom the data have been and / or will be communicated, retention period);

The rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and / or the integration of incomplete personal data, including by providing an additional declaration; the cancellation of personal data, in the cases provided for by the GDPR;

The limitation to the processing in the cases provided for by the current Privacy Law;

The portability of the data concerning you, if feasible and pertinent to the service provided, the opposition to the processing at any time, for reasons connected with your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you in full compliance with the Privacy Regulations in force.

You can exercise your rights by contacting the e-mail address attaching a copy of your identity document where necessary.

In any case, you will always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data), pursuant to art. 77 GDPR, if you believe that the processing of your data is contrary to the current Privacy Law.

Terms and conditions


Please read this document carefully before accessing the Orved Industrial website. Access to the Orved Industrial website and its use signify acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Orved reserves the right to modify, update, add or remove, at any time, at its discretion, the clauses relating to the Terms and Conditions of Use.


The website is managed and edited by Orved. On this website, the company provides information on the products and services offered, as well as the possibility of requesting information directly from Orved.


The Orved Industrial website and any support provided therein is provided to you free of charge and for your personal and non-profit use. Any support is provided for informational purposes only. Orved reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, in whole or in part, the content of its website, not to give answers to the questions posed therein or not to provide support in relation to the site itself.

It warns against linking the Orved Industrial website with sites that may be considered indecent or inappropriate. The user is obliged to immediately disconnect said sites from the Orved website at the request of Orved, if the connection has been made.

Orved authorizes you to view and download the material contained within its website, only for personal use and not for commercial or profit-making purposes. Without the explicit and written consent of Orved, it is not permitted to alter this material, as well as to create derivative works from it. Reproduction, partial or total, exposure to the public, dissemination, distribution, or any use for commercial purposes is also not permitted.

Links to other sites

This website may contain hyperlinks to other sites, with the possibility that these sites use Orved images or logos. However, these sites do not belong to Orved, and on them Orved has no management or control faculty, therefore it does not assume any responsibility for the material created or published on third party sites. In the event that difficulties or problems are encountered in relation to the sites of others, Orved invites you to contact the operators of these sites directly.

Disclaimer of Liability

Orved excludes any condition, guarantee, legal representation or indemnity concerning this service or, in a broader sense, the supply or non-supply of the same or the delay in the supply of any service related or connected to the Orved website or on the accuracy, completeness or updating. of the same.

Request for information and sending of material

It is forbidden to send or transmit from, to or through the website any type of illegal, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, pornographic or irreverent material, or any other type of material that could give rise to any type of liability, civil or criminal, as required by law.